It was no easy task to choose a theme for our upcoming issue, after all the wonderful ones that came before it. After much debate, we decided to devote this issue to writers from the Southern United States, a region with a rich history, diverse population, and enigmatic landscape—we knew we would see some beautiful work. And we did, from writers whose voices spoke of deep ties to the region and its history to those who had been there only a short while. We saw authors with a diversity of backgrounds and experiences, whose writing, I hope, will broaden readers’ understanding of what it means to be a part of the Southern United States. I am so proud of my editorial staff for their sensitive, thoughtful reading of these pieces, intelligent discussions, and passion for the journal that ultimately made this issue what it is.
—Roya Khatiblou
“Slow Testament”, “Wolf” – John Andrews
“Cheval de Frise” – Dorsey Craft
“Unilateral Salpingo-Oopherectomy” – Jessica Siobhan Frank
“Specters,” “When All We Did Was Glitter” – Kate Gaskin
“PB & J,” “Before the Games Begin,” Sewn” – Amelia Martens
“The Engagement Ring, from the Junk Drawer” – Catie Marie Martin