Ninth Letter is a nonprofit venture and welcomes the support of our individual readers; donations of any amount are gratefully accepted. With your assistance we can continue to showcase the finest writers and artists in our pages and on our web site. Your donation is tax deductible as allowed by law and will be receipted by the University of Illinois Foundation.
Ninth Letter Literary Arts Journal Support Fund
Gifts by check or money order should be made payable to the University of Illinois Foundation with a note or memo indicating that you are giving to the Ninth Letter Literary Arts Journal Support Fund. Gifts may be mailed to:
University of Illinois Foundation
1305 West Green St., MC-386
Urbana, IL 61801
Recommended Levels of Giving
Your may give at one of the following levels, or donate an amount of your own choosing. Gifts of any amount are greatly appreciated.
Friend – $100
Patron – $500
Publisher – $1000
Capital – $5000
Interested in donating for a named Endowment to support print and operating costs for years to come? Please reach out to our editor Liz Harms directly at