Das is for things

imported from Fremdsprache

and other economies

reporting permission

slips for deemed

sound Dinge und people

on the Ostsee also

which we saw

crossing the Warnemünde Ferry

in August and

naked old men leaving bikes

at the FKK and the six-story Soviet

era right to vacation

illuminated in receding

gold that also, so-late, your mother says

warmed strawberries, turned to reds,

and your oiled thighs,

and Aldi stunners and the cruise

ships and the fishing

boats spewing mackerel and Bismarck and

very long very

regular containers and

the seagull that ate my sorbet

and the Korean, the Roman, the Chinese script

that we recognize

from the heavy train that raged

carrying nobody but things

turning at the squeal of a

lever in the capital

westbound southbound

through the final Gleis

of the small Bahnhof

leaving Pfand bottles, Yormas, everything

all rattling

and, you, far too close to that

thin painted red line

relaying how those thirty

seconds resemble, every time, an entire life


Andrew Wildermuth is a PhD student in North American studies and member of the research group “Das Sentimentale” at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. His critical work can be read in Iperstoria, aspeers, and Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik. His recent poems have appeared in Columbia Journal, Cold Mountain Review, and Miracle Monocle