Journal – No. 17
Spring/Summer 2012 – Vol. 9, No. 1
Sample Spreads
Amy Sayre-Roberts “Whatsoever”
Brian Beglin “Little Trenches”
Ling Ma “The Scientist”
William Kelley Woolfitt “Sons with Apples in Their Hands”
Ramon Isao “Tumblarosa”
Brenda Miller “Dark Angel”
Anna Vodicka “As Seen on TV!”
Joseph Gross “Picnic Geese”
Timothy L. Marsh “Something Californian”
Paisley Rekdal seven poems from Go West
Brendan Todt “At the Particle Accelerator at Krasnoyarsk”
Anna Lowe Weber “Pre-natal Musings”
Rupprecht Mayer “Heirs”, “An open relationship”
John A. Nieves “Hasp”
Cindy Beebe “Burkha”
Oliver Bendorf “I Promised Her My Hands Wouldn’t Get Any Larger”
M. A. Vizsolyi “Temptation”
Brynn Saito “Match”
Gerard Beirne “”Meditation #35 Working the Height”, “Meditation #39The Ambiguous Endings”
Josh Kalscheur “How Will You Believe What I Say?”
Devon Branca “Tape of ‘Robert Vu Makes the Weight for the Winds'”
Annie Liontas “Selling Knives to the Arab Revolution”
Marcus Wicker “Call”
Gary Dop “Bill Bitner Daydreams”
Art Feature
Laurie Hogin “Articulated in a Quadrangle”
Where We’re @
Laura Adamczyk, “Of Fossils (Softball) and Catfish”
Angela Hine, “Out There”
Editorial Staff
Editor: Jodee Stanley
Creative Nonfiction Editor: Philip Graham
Poetry Editor: Michael Madonick
Assistant Editors: Michael Don, Eduardo Gabrieloff, Max Somers
Editorial Assistants: Laura Adamczyk, Kendra Chapman, Sara Gelson, Khaleel Gheba, Angela Hine, Roya Khatiblou, Sean MacIntyre, Natalie Mesnard, Jessica Thom, Lucilena Williams
Design Staff
Art Director: Matthew Peterson
Designers: Lucas Albrecht, Hannah Burtness, Garrett Campagna, Maggie Day, Katy Dondzila, Alex Dye, Brent Hofacker, Olivia La Faire, Taekyeom Lee, Tanner Mei, Marco Novielli, Annaka Olsen, Diane Park, Will Ryan, Cassie Tu, Jacie Wandell
Photographers: Maggie Day, Brent Hofacker, Marco Novielli, Jaci Wandell
Production Assistant: Garrett Campagna
Support at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
College of Fine and Applied Arts
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Department of English
Krannert Center for the Performing Arts
LAS Humanities Council
Office of the Chancellor
Office of the Provost
School of Art and Design
Individual Sponsors
Kai Haber
Robert and Kay Merrick
Richard Powers
Robert Skiba
Melvin A. Skvarla
Joan Golder
Robert Graves
Kathleen Harleman
Janice N. Harrington and Robert Dale Parker
Keri Kaeding and Steve Danzer
Benjamin C. Krause
Audrey Niffenegger
Kai Pham
Pamela Saunders
Marc Snir
This project is partially supported by a grant from the Illinois Arts Council.
Information about supporting Ninth Letter can be found at; all donations and gifts to Ninth Letter are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.