Hieu Minh Nguyen, “White Boy Time Machine: Safety Tips” and “White Boy Time Machine: Test Run:

Hieu Minh Nguyen   White Boy Time Machine: Safety Tips i understand no one / wants to be remembered / at their twenty-year high school reunion / as the guy who cut off the tips of his fingers / trying to dissect a fetal pig / i really wish i could help / everyone / […]

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Karyna McGlynn, “Costumes Required” and “Sensual Vocabulary”

Karyna McGlynn   Costumes Required A chocolate-bartering devil skimsinto the Halloween party uninvited& undeterred. I think: that manwill pluck something from me. Granite counters, laminate floors,ten guys named Steve who onlytalk to each other. Me doingmy best Sally Bowles act again— Wearing little more than a wig,a tuxedo vest & a good sweat,I catch my […]

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Sean Thomas Dougherty, “Portrait of Lebron as Ohio”

Sean Thomas Dougherty   Portrait of Lebron as Ohio When is a poem one word? Even at 17 he was Baraka            on the court, Coltrane gold toned, a kind of running riff,more than boy-child, man-child, he was one word like Prince.           How back in those drunken days when I stillran in bars & played […]

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Ryan Collins, “A Moment Frozen in Time between Two Men Realizing that Maybe in Another Life They Were the Same Man”

Ryan Collins   A Moment Frozen in Time between Two Men Realizing that Maybe in Another Life They Were the Same Man   There I was looking at The likeness of my likeness I could not look awayFrom my other life Where I thought I would Have I felt no weight   Under the strain of […]

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Katie Jean Shinkle, “Ruination”

Katie Jean Shinkle Ruination Darkness, and then. Rolling weather: a superstorm in-wait. Four clouds exactly alike, black outline as if spiral on paper. Stratus or cirrus. Paredolia in theory: what becomes a creature of wing in sky, what becomes one blink signal or two, what becomes the shape of genitals. If we take our shoes […]

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Anne Valente, “Lullaby for Bullfrog”

Anne Valente   Lullaby for Bullfrog Eastern American Toad (Bufo Americanus Americanus) A high-pitched trill, the singing of so many toads hidden in the grass. Emerged from the ponds of their late-spring breeding, unfurled to grasslands and forests and dense thickets of cattails. You remember them now, every toad and frog species in the state […]

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